
Vittorio Baglione
Daniela Canestrari
Maddie Cusimano
Benjamin Hoffman
Jen-Yu Liu
Sara Keen
Christian Rutz
Mark Johnson
Marta Vila Taboada
Elisa Chiarati
Ruben Vera Gomez
Diana Bolopo
Eva Trapote
Diana Bolopo
First degree:
Biology (University of León, Spain)
Current position:
PhD student (University of Valladolid, Spain) Current address:
Dept. Ciencias Agro-Forestales
Área de Zoología
Campus La Yutera
Av de Madrid 44
34004 Palencia (Spain)
Email: diana.bolopo@alumnos.uva.es
*** Research Interests and Main Results
Great spotted cuckoo (Clamator glandarius) and common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) are the only 2 species of brood parasitic birds present in Europe. Both belong to the same family Cuculidae but they use slightly different strategies. Common cuckoo is an evicting cuckoo, which means that it gets rid of the whole host brood, while great spotted cuckoo is raised together with the host’s brood.
I have been investigating the parasitic pressure of great spotted cuckoo in its 2 main hosts, carrion crows (Corvus corone) and magpies (Pica pica), in our study area.
In my PhD I will try to measure the cost/benefit ratio for the cuckoo and see the fitness difference between the two hosts. With molecular analysis I will see if there is any host preference if the same cuckoo (or a direct descendant) returns to the exact same place to breed from one year to another.
Baglione V., Canestrari D. Carrion crow: family living and helping in a flexible social system, in “Cooperative Breeding in Vertebrates: Studies of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior”, Cambridge University Press, in press
Bolopo D., Canestrari D., Marcos J.M., Baglione V. Nest sanitation in cooperatively breeding carrion crows. The Auk, in press
Bolopo D., Canestrari D., Roldán M., Baglione V., Soler M. High begging intensity of great-spotted cuckoo nestlings favours larger-size crow nest-mates. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, in press
Röder G., Baglione V., Bolopo D., Canestrari D., Marcos J.M., Trnka A., Turlings T. Small emissions with major consequences: specialized malodorous defenses in birds, in Chemical Signals in Vertebrates, Vol 13.